Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Hey been awhile, its like were strangers.

Hey Ho! I know its been awhile. Sorry but its been CRAZY in our house the pasted couple days. Let's begin.
Mr. C gets possible job leads on Sat. Sunday we lay around and relax. Clean a little. Monday wake up take Mr. C to school.
Proceed to WIC office so I can get baby food for K as were broke lol. Get told my the receptionist that no they do need appointments. So the lady on the phone Friday lied to me. She says we can try to fit me in. So from 7-9 I'm at the WIC office.
Go home there till 11:15. Go to pick up Mr.C from school.
Oh no sound comes from car as I'm getting off high way. Get to the light right before school.
Another big sound then smoke out the back end. Barely make it in to parking lot. Car stops does not move unless pushed. Thanks to some fellow students for helping me push car into parking space. 11:45 at this time. Mr. C doesn't get outta class till noon.
So me and the babies wait and then wait some more in the hot Arizona heat wave. AAA comes and towed us. Friend drives us home. Were screwed.
Who wants to trade lives? Lol
I had to have a friend talk some sense into me about why I moved acrossed the US from Ohio to Arizona. How we will get through this like we always seem too. But at the moment I wanna just explode.
Ending to the story. At 12:15am on Monday (technicley Tuesday) I walked home from work. Almost 4 miles. It Took me two hours. Now time to figure out ways to get Mr. C to his interviews. Lifes a trip that's for sure.
Onwards to our next speed bump!

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