Tuesday, July 31, 2012

just my luck!


For the pasted like 10 days I've been entering more entries into this cool giveaway for a Ergo thats zebra print. I figured hey whatever at least I'll try. BUT once agian I always get my hopes up and think "hey maybe this will be the one time I actually win something!" But no I fail once again. It ended this morning and another lady won. Congrats to her! Really! But I didnt get it and I was/am sad. I really am wanting an Ergo and the 115-140 is WAY outta my price range.

But the convinence of the dang thing is awesome. I can wear K around and have hands free to clean and do other things. I have a carrier now its a infintino or whatnot. Its very much like the Ergo but has ALOT more straps and velcro and clips then the Ergo.

So that means its harder to get her in and out without help. I had B help me put K in it yesterday cuz it was just us and it took FOREVER and some frustration from me when B didnt understand what I was saying. Oh well.....

We live to fight another day!

Monday, July 30, 2012

Just a little fluff....

Okay so you all know im crazy. HEY its the opening line of the blog.

1. I cloth diaper. NO im not crazy its an awesome idea that everyone with children in diapers should do. I have read alot of facts and wow chemicals on my babys butt is NOT okay.
2. I babywear. I use a cheapo carrier but secretly hope for an Ergo, which is WAY out of my budget right now.
3. Thinking about trying mama cloth but kinda sketchy on that.
4. I no longer by napkins or paper towel. We just use regular old fashion hand towels for most things. Why not? doesnt cost anything extra. BO YA! lol
5. Im crazy. Im obsessed with my cloth diapers. lol

So now that you know this you shall know I am thinking of doing some "testing" and reviews on some cloth diapers. Things that I think and want to express since there is SO many people out there who have NO idea how great of an idea cloth diapering is. Did you know in disposables (or sposies) the packaging even tells you to take the feces out before throwing in the trash. WHAT! Okay thats weird but whatever. Did you also know that they have never been able to effectively figure out how long sposies take to break down in a landfill because guess what. IT TAKES TO LONG! Yet cloth which is guess what, cloth, can break down easily because after its last use (which can be a couple kids or a couple families use) it breaks down easily. You can turn it into other thing, like swim diapers.

Plus there is ALL kinds of different styles now, not just the old school prefolds! There is pockets. Pockets you have a hole at the back usually but sometimes front, where you put a insert or two in for absorbency. I like pockets because you can control how many inserts you want. Then you have the All in ones (AIO) which are basically the same thing as a disposable. You do nothing to these. They are all together already. They take extra time to dry and you cannot control if you need mroe absorbency unless you stick a prefold or insert ON TOP of the diaper. But they are good for those no used to cloth. Then you have the old school prefold with a cover. Pretty basic, its the ones people who dont cloth diaper are truely scared of. BUT I have to admit yes I was scared of them at first. UNTIL someone showed me how to do it. Then it was like CLICK OHHHHH I get it! lol There are a few more styles like AI2 (All in twos) and more but these are the most popular kind used.

I have a friend who I love dearly here in phoenix since we moved. Lets call her R. R has decided she wants to make diapers. They are good diapers. Not excellent as she is still getting the hang of this. She has some adorable prints. She uses the hidden PUL method, which I like the best. Its where PUL (the fabric that makes it leak proof) is in between the pattern and the suade. The suade is what touches your babies booty. She has a shop called myGoodness Creations. Go check her out. OOOO and if you really wanna check out another cool shop. I have this friend S. She goes crocheting! OR wool balls and such. Such a cool idea. I have a couple of her hats and have about 4 wool dryer balls coming my way. Her facebook for the buisness is called Hookin For Rent. SHE IS AWESOME! lol

Well now that my never ending run ons have ended about cloth go head and try it! Great minds think alike you know! Questions come on down and ask me. Always. I have an email which is  jn_cory@yahoo.com or comment below. One never knows what questions there are. And NONE are dumb questions in a buisness that deals with that baby booty of yours!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Some days

Once upon a time there was this girl. She was awesome and loved. She was passionate.

Then one day there was a huge betrayal. Followed by some more betrayals.

How does one get passed, heal, and not go insane from looking at others thinking. Hmmm.

Monday, July 9, 2012

We are on high alert!

We are at level red people level red. The stress is taking over. The car search is at a stand still. Our consultant has informed me the car we had him and my husband look at today isn't really worth it. It's been a week without a car. Will be another week. We have no rides to the store. I'm begging for rides to work. Jake can't even get interviews because he can't get to the interviews. Thank goodness he has a friend who can take him to school and back otherwise I'd be SOL.

I feel so defeated and useless because well I can't do anything. I have no money to buy a decent car because in order to buy a decent car you have to have money. Well we got none. My in laws are being super amazing and loaning us money but its only 5 thousand and that leaves us with maybe 4,200 for a car (tax,title, and plates are gonna kill us) so yeah plus the rent hasn't been paid for July which means that were gonna end up getting the nasty letter that says pay us or else....were at the or else stage in life.

Have you seen the food picture floating around on Facebook? Where its like ramen noodles = shit just got real....we can't even afford ramen noodles because we can't get to the store.
Def con 5 people...

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Hi there!

Hello 1:21am. It's been awhile since we last saw each other. But guess what. Stress has us meeting again. Hmm stress also has me meeting my hair that falls out too.

1:22 I don't know if we can be friends. This don't look to great with this relationship. Maybe next time.

Yeah hi 1:24. Still not seeing the meeting were suppose to be having with the bed. Please please let me meet bed. You told me all about it and it seems nice.

Dear sleep,
      Hello you. I know you elude me and wish to destroy my psyche, but I'd like to make this a great relationship. So I purpose a date around 9-10pm each night. If not I might have to start drinking heavily.


Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Hey been awhile, its like were strangers.

Hey Ho! I know its been awhile. Sorry but its been CRAZY in our house the pasted couple days. Let's begin.
Mr. C gets possible job leads on Sat. Sunday we lay around and relax. Clean a little. Monday wake up take Mr. C to school.
Proceed to WIC office so I can get baby food for K as were broke lol. Get told my the receptionist that no they do need appointments. So the lady on the phone Friday lied to me. She says we can try to fit me in. So from 7-9 I'm at the WIC office.
Go home there till 11:15. Go to pick up Mr.C from school.
Oh no sound comes from car as I'm getting off high way. Get to the light right before school.
Another big sound then smoke out the back end. Barely make it in to parking lot. Car stops does not move unless pushed. Thanks to some fellow students for helping me push car into parking space. 11:45 at this time. Mr. C doesn't get outta class till noon.
So me and the babies wait and then wait some more in the hot Arizona heat wave. AAA comes and towed us. Friend drives us home. Were screwed.
Who wants to trade lives? Lol
I had to have a friend talk some sense into me about why I moved acrossed the US from Ohio to Arizona. How we will get through this like we always seem too. But at the moment I wanna just explode.
Ending to the story. At 12:15am on Monday (technicley Tuesday) I walked home from work. Almost 4 miles. It Took me two hours. Now time to figure out ways to get Mr. C to his interviews. Lifes a trip that's for sure.
Onwards to our next speed bump!